Saturday, March 15, 2014

Right? Right.. not that Right..





What is a "right" and what does it actually mean?

In politics today that term is used an awful lot along with many qualifiers and yet.. there is still debate over what is and isn't a right.. and what should be.. and what should not.

The most common belief of rights is that they are given to us by a greater power.. a divine power. At least, in the western world, it is the most common.. as far as I understand... but I won't get into any of that. I'm just going to ponder what a right is and we'll see where it takes me.

As best as I can break it down.. Rights are... abilities... things we can choose to exercise if need be. In western law, the Miranda Rights. The "Right to Remain Silent", the "Right to an attorney". In the Bill of Rights.. the "right to bear arms", the "right to due process"..

Abilities or options that we assume to be inherent or in us and that can not be taken away by an outside source of power. At least, that's what we want to believe.

The right to free speech. To say what we want.. when we want.. where we want.

The right to defend ourselves in whatever capacity necessary.. whether through force or otherwise.

These are things that are within us all (for the most part) and that, through no official means, can be taken away.

Thinking about this a while back I came to the conclusion that there are a few real "rights" that we all have.. innate rights. Things about us, abilities, that are present in what makes us living, conscious, intelligent beings that, barring extreme measures, cannot be taken away. Least of all, legislated away. No matter what any political force may try to claim, your ability to do these things remains intact... that is the nature of rights in society.

At least, as far as I've come to understand it. So here they are:

The Right of Expression.
- Nobody can stop you from expressing your emotions or thoughts or beliefs or ideas. They can disagree, they can make rules about when and where you should and shouldn't say something.. Logic can dictate whether or not you should express what you wish in certain places.. as can taste.. but no law can physically prevent you from BEING ABLE to express yourself. The ability to express yourself is inherent from your first cries as a baby to your outcries of injustice as an adult. This is a basic right that no law or society has ever had to dictate. It is pure and natural and therefore.. truly inalienable. This is our right to express ourselves. Our Freedom of Speech.

The Right of Choice
- Another innate ability that we, as conscious beings, possess. Our ability to distinguish between A and B and, subsequently, choose between A and B. No, whether that choice is "A", "B", "both", or "none" is really irrelevant. The mere ability to make the distinction between and then to make the decision is what is at our very core. Most, if not all, animals posses this trait. This is, again, pure and natural behavior that exists within our minds and bodies. It is deeply rooted in us as a Survival Instinct. Remember "Fight or Flight"? Choice. The choice to defend ourselves or to run away, to escape.. to live without the risk of harm. The choice to defend ourselves from allegations. The choice to join our lives with another person and to have a family. The choice to be part of society and participate. Choice. That is our right. To bear arms if need be. To due process. To marry. To vote.

Hmm.. isn't it strange that you have to fight for "Rights"?

As far as my understanding goes... "Rights" were made up by man.. by governing bodies.. by societies and civilizations.. There's no such thing as "rights" beyond what is drawn up on paper.

What I described.. Expression.. Choice.. Those are inherent abilities (I could argue that they're really just one).. but "Rights"? Not really...

Rights are given to you according to the controlling power. In the United States, the Constitution. Laws. They have to spell our what your "Rights" are and, up to several moments in time, whether or not you qualified for certain rights.

The "right" to marry whomever you want... the "right" to vote... the "right" to become a citizen...

They don't really exist except on paper but they're dictated as if they were tangible commodities. Actual "things" that can be taken away at a moment's notice.. or without notice.

We are not born with rights. Take away all governments.. all belief systems.. all language...

We are left with abilities.

To express ourselves.. to choose. From birth to death.

At least, that's what I think.

- Joser

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