Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Here But For The Grace of Others

Take a little time.. to think about how you got to where you are.

Are you a fighter? Are you a survivor? Did you do it all on your own?


Chances are, if you live in this modern world and this writing has reached you, you had more than a little help along the way.

It's something that I've been thinking about since my fight with cancer.. All the talk about divine plans and prayers.. it really never sat well with me.

I knew I needed strength and hope and so did my family and friends but.. my life was directly in the hands of the doctors and nurses who cut into my body or injected medicine into my veins. It was a group of people there, many people, all working together to keep me alive..

and they managed to do it. All their combined experience, knowledge, expertise, and (I'd like to think) compassion.. it all came together just for me.

So I thought.. recently, that's basically what our entire lives are.. As Mike Rowe liked to point out in his talks and his shows.. Someone has to grow the food we eat. Someone has to build the homes we live in. Someone has to deliver the goods to the stores that someone else runs in a vehicle that someone somewhere built so that we can go purchase them using money that someone gave us in return for something we did or built or provided..

We are all SO dependent on each other in this world that it is absolutely heartbreaking to think of how much intolerance and indifference and hatred there is.. how much resentment for our fellow human beings.. and even our fellow organisms..

I know it sounds like some hippie-dippie nonsense but think about it.

Where do you get your clothes, food, water, power, gas, transportation, income, health care, dental care, appliances, ... everything you need to live... The very foundation upon which your home, your town, your city... was all built. The infrastructure.. the governing body... the nation...

Where would you be without everyone that came before you and everyone living their lives right along with you?

You came from parents, didn't you?

We are all here but for the grace of others.

Be mindful of that. Regardless of what you believe about divinity or nature.. We are alive because, however directly it may be, someone else helped.
